The CHSCC is the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for several large-scale cohort studies, primarily in cardiovascular epidemiology research, and enjoys an excellent reputation for design, coordination, and biostatistical analysis. 

Our Expertise

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Epidemiology and biostatistics consulting related to study design, power estimation, sample selection, data analysis, interim monitoring, reporting of final results, manuscript preparation, and other aspects of observational studies and clinical trials.

Clinical Operations

Development of study protocol, strategies for recruitment and retention, data collection forms, manual(s) of operations, and quality control procedures

Data Collection Systems

Development of integrated data collection systems using various formats as needed including computer-assisted interviewing, scanned data forms, and web-based transmission of data from sites linked together for recruitment and tracking of participants

Randomization / Distribution

Provision of systems for randomization and distribution of study medications for clinical trials


Reports to monitor study progress and provide interim clinical results

Quality Control

Implementation of quality control activities and standardization of procedures through centralized training, site visits, and programming/statistical techniques to maximize data accuracy

Study Communications

Providing leadership for study organization, establishing a website for public and investigator interactions, developing study-wide brochures and newsletters, and planning/organizing all meetings and conference calls.


Development and maintenance of a platform for submitting, evaluating, and tracking research using study data. Work directly with researchers and the publications committee to facilitate review of new research.


For the new MESA contract, the UW HSD agreed to serve as the Single IRB (sIRB) site. The CHSCC is proud to be partnering with the UW Human Subjects Office of Reliances to navigate this transition and will be leveraging this experience to bring the CHS study into sIRB compliance in 2021.